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3 copies of the same book stand side-by-side. There is a green, red and orange version of the same book, titled Spaceships over Glasgow.
Stuart sits on a bed that has wood backing and burgundy covers. He is relaxed, looks into the camera and wears a shirt and jumper.

Stuart Braithwaite

Why I love Glasgow's music scene: Stuart Braithwaite

May 05, 2023

Stuart Braithwaite is best known as a member of one of the most ground-breaking post-rock bands in the world, Mogwai. He is also an author and will be at Aye Write, Glasgow's Book Festival, to discuss his acclaimed book, Spaceships over Glasgow.

Stuart sits on a bed that has wood backing and burgundy covers. He is relaxed, looks into the camera and wears a shirt and jumper.

Image credit: Tommy Ga Ken Wan

Spaceships Over Glasgow spans Stuart's childhood, where he favoured music over school, his rise into rock star hedonism and 3 decades in the hugely influential Mogwai. Ahead of his appearance at Aye Write, Stuart answers our questions on why Glasgow is a top city for music lovers.

1. What makes going to a gig in Glasgow so special?

The people that go to gigs in Glasgow make it special. Without doubt, they are the most passionate audiences.

2. Tell us about a music moment that sums up your experience of the city?

It’s hard to pinpoint one but I remember seeing The Cure in Bellahouston Park a few years back and thinking that seeing my favourite band in my hometown was hard to beat.

3. Why do so many talented musicians come out of Glasgow?

I think the lack of distractions. Weather definitely plays a part.

4. What's your favourite Glasgow venue?

The famous neon sign of music venue Barrowland is lit up red. Neon stars surround the name of the venue.

Image credit: Luigi Di Pasquale, VisitScotland

Barrowland. There’s nowhere like it.

5. When travelling the world, how do you describe Glasgow and the city's music scene?

I think it’s as much a community as anything else. People try and help each other.

6. What would you recommend to first-time visitors to the city?

See a band at Barrowlands and eat a curry at Mother India.

Spaceships over Glasgow takes place at Aye Write on May 28 at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. For more information on the event and to book tickets visit
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