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A collage of different images from pink flowers to a sky and pylon and a orange grid with a building behind it.
A head and shoulder shot of Richard Burkett who is facing to the right of the camera smiling. He is wearing a black sweatshirt.

Richard Birkett

5 places to visit at Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Art

May 15, 2024

June marks the 10th edition of Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Art - a must-see experience drawing artists and art lovers from around the world. Festival Director Richard Birkett shares where you can find some of the highlights at this year's festival.

1. Florence Street

A black and white image of Sandra George at work, three children are working on a project and Sandra is supporting them.

Sandra George, Royal Blind School, Edinburgh, 1980 Courtesy of Craigmillar Now.

A major hub for the festival, 5 Florence Street showcases the work of photographer Sandra George, whose photography is inspired by social justice. Another worthwhile exhibit to visit is by Josie KO and Kialy Tihngang. They have used their research into Black British history to create a joint display of new art spanning across sculpture and film.

Throughout the month, Florence Street will also feature the works of Bobbi Cameron and Owain Train McGilvery and Wei Zhang.

2. The Modern Institute

A black and white image of a group of people in a subway going about their lives. One person is drawing on a board and people are interested in what they're doing.

Keith Haring Subway Drawing, 1982. Courtesy the estate of Keith Haring. Photo by Ivan Dalla Tana.

The Modern Institute will present established international artists, including a historical exhibition celebrating the late American artist, Keith Haring. It highlights his interest in language and his ties to East Coast counterculture.

At The Modern Institute's other space on Osborne Street, visitors can see the first solo exhibition of Korean painter Kim Bohie. Various Korean and Western painting traditions are the inspiration behind Bohie’s distinct style.

3. Gallery of Modern Art

Young children are working in a crop field. The sky is grey ands they are walking towards the camera.

Enzo Camacho & Ami Lien, Langit Lupa, 2023 still from digital video Courtesy of the artists .

The Gallery of Modern Art is the location for Offerings for Escalante. It is the first UK solo exhibition by Filipino and Taiwanese American artist duo, Enzo Camacho and Ami Lien. Focussing on the 1985 Escalante Massacre, this exhibition is an act of remembrance featuring drawings on handmade paper, an hour-long experimental documentary and a 16mm film animation.

4. Tramway

Delaine Le Bas, Incipit Vita Nova. Here Begins The New Life/A New Life Is Beginning installation view, Secession, 2023 Courtesy of the artist. Photograph by Iris Ranzinger

Tramway is hosting the largest exhibition to date by Turner Prize nominee Delaine le Bas. Featuring objects, textiles and costumes, the project reflects Delaine’s ongoing exploration of hostility towards Romani, Gypsy and Traveller peoples in the UK and Europe.

Time your trip to Tramway to see the latest work by Glasgow artist Tako Taal in the venue's theatre. You can also see new work by fellow Glasgow artist Camara Taylor in their exhibition [Mouthfeel].

5. The Mitchell Library

Research and development materials of the artist on top of a desk, Landmarks are in bright colours, a photo has notes and lines.

Joey Simons, Beyond the Forbidden Gate, 2023, research and development materials. Courtesy of the artist.

Take in a series of artworks and events with artist and writer Joey Simons. These look at urban development and working-class histories in North Glasgow. They were developed with Glasgow Sculpture Studios and community groups, such as SISCO (Sustainable Interventions Supporting Change Outside).

To learn more about these fascinating exhibitions or to see what else is on at Glasgow International across the city, visit

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